Abraham 22 emotion scale

Happiness studies

Understanding the Stages of Emotion

 What is Abraham?

It is said to have preached the structure of the world,

famous for the “Law of Attraction”.

 22 emotion scale

Abraham teaches a scale of 22 emotions.


The closer you get to the 22 “fear” state, the harder it feels to live.

Conversely, the closer you get to 1, “gratitude” and “joy,” the happier you can live.



 Know your state of mind

What emotions are you feeling the most right now?


No one is probably always 1.

Emotions usually go up and down.


Based on that, if there are too many low states, it is better to take care of your heart.

It is difficult to go up from 22 to a higher number at once.

If it rises at once, it will fall again at once.


So go up the stairs one by one

Emotions need to improve.


Continuing low on the emotional scale makes us

to be susceptible to illness.



Knowing your current state of mind may makes you be disappointed, but

It is possible to go from 22 to 1 in stages.

I have experienced it.

How I improved

I will continue to add useful information from now on.

I would appreciate it if you could take a look at the site again.


Thank you fro reading to the end,

I am grateful.


Brain happiness substances ・Serotonin ・Oxytocin ・Dopamine
This article describes about Serotonin, Oxytocin and Dopamine. And it describes which one is the most important, and that reason easily.


I truly love this affirmation↓
This is so great for regain self-love.


Her channel has many valuable videos↓
That’s so useful for regain self-love.
- YouTube
YouTube でお気に入りの動画や音楽を楽しみ、オリジナルのコンテンツをアップロードして友だちや家族、世界中の人たちと共有しましょう。


I love myself 私は私を愛します
自分を愛することは、自分の人生を自分の意思で生きるために、一番大切なことだと私は考えます。 多くの方々が不安や心配を抱え、生きづらさを抱えながら生きていることを残念に思います。 過去の私もそうでしたが、マインドを整えることで自分らしく生きる力を取り戻せました。 自分を愛することの重要性を広めていきたいです。
You were born because you are needed in this world あなたはこの世に必要だから生まれてきた
Description 心が傷ついてしまっている誰かへ伝えたいメッセージ、 過去の自分へ言ってあげたいメッセージをつづります あなたも私もこの世に必要だから生まれてきました もし誰かが心無い一言を 言っていたとしてもそ...


– side notes –

I’m thinking of writing in Japanese and English
because I want to spread self-love not only in Japan
but around the world
and I’d like to improve my English.
I’m still not used to English,
so if there are any mistakes,
I’d appreciate it if you could point them out.