Post in English

Japanese mind

Vesak Day Buddha’s teachings Meaning of Lotus flower🪷

Live like a lotus flower Vesak Day May 5, 2023 is the day called Vesak Day, Buddha's birthday. 623 BC (2500 years ago...
Post in English

The Meaning, Image and Effect of the Color (Color Psychology / Color Therapy)

A concise summary of the meanings, images, and effects of colors. How about incorporating the effects of color into your life and having fun with it?
Japanese mind

Cherry Blossoms and “諸行無常(All of things are impermanence)”

Live in the present time Cherry blossoms and heart Sakura(cherry blossoms) is a flower that symbolizes Japan. The flo...
Happiness studies

Abraham 22 emotion scale

This article describes about 22 emotion scale of Abraham. 
Happiness studies

Brain happiness substances ・Serotonin ・Oxytocin ・Dopamine

This article describes about Serotonin, Oxytocin and Dopamine. And it describes which one is the most important, and that reason easily.