Cherry Blossoms and “諸行無常(All of things are impermanence)”

Japanese mind

Live in the present time

Cherry blossoms and heart

Sakura(cherry blossoms) is a flower that symbolizes Japan.

The flowering period is very short, about 2 weeks.

That innocent figure that blooms at once and scatters at once.

It reminds “impermanence”.


Cherry blossom season

late March to early April (around Tokyo)

Cherry-blossom viewing information is here ↓ External link
東京都のお花見・桜名所ランキング2025 - ウォーカープラス


What is “諸行無常(All of things are impermanence)” ?

A Buddhist term that means that everything in the world is

constantly changing and nothing stays the same forever.


“諸行(Shogyo)” is all of phenomenon of this world,

“無常(Mujyo)” means that everything is constantly changing.


In this video, a Buddhist monk says like this,

“Nothing lasts forever, bad situations don’t last forever.”

“So don’t stress too much.”

Daily reminder...🙏🧘‍♂️ | Buddhism In English #shorts
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When the cherry blossoms bloom,

There are many people who enjoy “this time”,

feel the arrival of spring, and feel happy.


There is no eternity in the seasons, the events in the world,

our minds, the minds of others, and matter.


Sometimes we may feel emptiness and fragility there.


That’s why I feel the message to cherish “this moment”.


From the monk’s words that

even bad situations are not permanent

we can receive hope to live.


Thank you for reading this far.

I would appreciate it if you have any feelings or notices 😌


I love myself 私は私を愛します
自分を愛することは、自分の人生を自分の意思で生きるために、一番大切なことだと私は考えます。 多くの方々が不安や心配を抱え、生きづらさを抱えながら生きていることを残念に思います。 過去の私もそうでしたが、マインドを整えることで自分らしく生きる力を取り戻せました。 自分を愛することの重要性を広めていきたいです。
You were born because you are needed in this world あなたはこの世に必要だから生まれてきた
Description 心が傷ついてしまっている誰かへ伝えたいメッセージ、 過去の自分へ言ってあげたいメッセージをつづります あなたも私もこの世に必要だから生まれてきました もし誰かが心無い一言を 言っていたとしてもそ...


– side notes –

I’m thinking of writing in Japanese and English
because I want to spread self-love not only in Japan
but around the world
and I’d like to improve my English.
I’m still not used to English,
so if there are any mistakes,
I’d appreciate it if you could point them out.